Grade 1/2 Learning Community

  • Mr Luke Prenga

    Grade 1/2 PLC Leader

    Grade 1/2A Classroom Teacher

  • Mrs Anna Greco

    Grade 1/2B Classroom Teacher (Mon)

  • Miss Katie Howe

    Grade 1/2B Classroom Teacher (Tues-Fri)

  • Mrs Laura McKerracher

    Grade 1/2C Classroom Teacher

  • Miss Selin Bilik

    Grade 1/2D Classroom Teacher

  • Miss Emily Megaloudis

    Grade 1/2E Classroom Teacher

  • Miss Lori Kolceg

    Grade 1/2F Classroom Teacher

Term 4

Term 4

Welcome back, parents and students! It has been a very busy year with lots of learning in all subject areas, and our Grade 1/2 dinner and sleepover was a fantastic way to end last term.

We are all very proud of what each student has achieved throughout 2024. We look forward to working closely with you to make Term 4 a memorable and successful experience for every student. We are excited to continue building on what students have learned throughout the year and to continue assisting all students in working towards their learning goals.


This term, students will focus on fractions of a whole – mainly focusing on halves and quarters. We will develop students’ ability to describe, count and order Australian notes and coins.

Students will learn about the language of chance, determine the chance of different events occurring, and develop their ability to estimate and measure the capacity of various items.

To finish the term, we will revise the topics of place value and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

We encourage you to continue practising the four operations to assist your child at home in preparation for next year.


In Reading this term, the focus will be on students reading fluently, summarising the main points or ideas in a text, identifying the reason/s for an author writing a text, clarifying the meaning of unknown words and sentences and reviewing the books students read.

In Writing, students will focus on transactional texts and write letters to a family member or friend. This will be followed by persuasive texts, and we will finish the year with a recap of narrative texts. Students will continue planning, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing their work.

Students will be taught the correct structure for these text types and will apply the techniques taught throughout the year. Teachers will also focus on correct grammar and spelling when the students write.

Integrated Studies

Students will learn about physical sciences through our unit ‘Machine Makers’ this term. During the term, students will complete various hands-on activities to learn about concepts, including how things move by being pushed or pulled and how ramps and levers work. Students will also be making their own Rube Goldberg Machines. Students will learn coding by using small robots called Beebots towards the end of the term. 

Other information

  • Please continue to pack your child a piece of fruit or vegetable for their brain food.

  • Children should aim to read for at least 15 minutes each day. To further support one of our reading focuses this term, ‘fluency,’ students should read aloud to someone at home. Please continue to sign reading journals, as this reinforces the importance of nightly reading.

  • Students are required to wear a wide-brimmed hat during recess and lunch during Term 4. Students not wearing hats will play in the shade. Please ensure that the hat is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please consider applying sunscreen on your child in the morning for extra protection. Please also provide your child with a water bottle to school each day to help stay hydrated.

Important Dates

Curriculum Day: 

Monday, 04 November (Student - Free Day)

Melbourne Cup Day: 

Tuesday, 05 November

Curriculum Day: 

Friday, 20 December (Student - Free Day)

Professional Practice Day: 

Friday, 22 November (Student - Free Day)